Kathy Kasten
Founder & CEO
LionCrest Leadership
Bethany Von Steinbergs
Founder & CEO
Flourish Consulting
Greg Schnagl Ed D
Chief Learning Officer
The Sphere Academy
Ayo Oyebola Ed D
Chief Executive Officer
The Sphere Academy
Klark Alomassor MBA
Chief Strategist
The Sphere Academy
Do you know that you can become an effective leader? we have been told that leaders are born with traits and capabilities, but that is not true. Everyone can learn to become a leader if they have a better understanding of who they and maximize their strengths. A leader is a person first before assuming the responsibility
of a leader or occupying a leadership role. In this webinar, learn to bring out the leader in you and identify ways to become a better leader without changing who you are.
Date: 29th January, 2022
Time: 1pm – 2pm CT